Insect glaive


Everything you need khổng lồ know about the Insect Glaive and Kinsects, from the very basics lớn our recommendation for the best build.

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Monster Hunter World Insect Glaives are a chất lượng weapon for those who want lớn be agile in combat và have a variety of Kinsect buffs at their disposal.

It is one of many quái dị Hunter World weapon types available from the start of the game, và on this page we explain the very fundamentals of how it works, through to the best Insect Glaive build you can have at your disposal.

Elsewhere, our boss khủng Hunter World tips can help you decide when lớn farm, what khổng lồ forage & what to bởi between hunts, and our quái thú Hunter World walkthrough và guide can help with main quest & story progress.

What is the Insect Glaive & how vày Kinsects work?

The Insect Glaive is one of the speedier weapons in quái nhân Hunter World, in comparison khổng lồ weapon classes like the Charge Blade or Greatsword, you"re going khổng lồ be spending a lot more time in the air than on the ground.

The benefit of using the Insect Glaive is simple - the Glaive itself is actually an insect, which can inflict status buffs on you by harvesting boss khủng extracts.

You can equip Kinsects by simply purchasing one over at the smithy và equipping it alongside the Insect Glaive in your room, at the Smithy or at any camp.

How lớn use the Insect Glaive in combat

The Insect Glaive possesses amazing evasive and speed capabilities, and to use them lớn its fullest potential, you"re first going to lớn want khổng lồ get the Attack Extract from your Kinsect, after that you"ll be able to lớn maximise your damage output.


A huge advantage to using the Insect Glaive are its aerial maneuvers. You"ll want to Vault with R2 & X on PS4 / RT and A on Xbox. You can follow this up with an attack with Circle (or B on Xbox) or a Midair Evade, followed up with an attack.

To string together a chain of air attacks và evades, you"re going to lớn need to lớn land the hits & keep an eye on your Stamina bar to lớn keep evading and stay in the air. This will trigger a Vaulting Dance, which will essentially reset your combo.


It"s also a very useful way khổng lồ help you mount a monster.

To use a Kinsect, you want lớn fire it at the Monster"s face by aiming (holding the left trigger) followed by Triangle/Y. This will make the Kinsect glow red.

The red glow denotes the Kinsect possessing an attack buff. To apply this buff to yourself, you"re going to want khổng lồ recall the Kinsect back to you by holding the left trigger followed by the Circle / B button.


Once you"ve got the Kinsect back khổng lồ you, you should see a glow underneath your Sharpness Bar.

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This rationale can be applied lớn different parts of a monster which will give you different coloured buffs. You can find our key for this below - with the locations differing from boss to quái thú - and the order of which will also correspond lớn the numbers underneath your sharpness bar.

Red - Attack BuffOrange - Defense BuffWhite - speed BuffGreen - Health Buff

Additionally, the Kinsect will leave Dust, which you can hit to trigger an effect type.

This can range from abnormal status effects all the way lớn leaving a healing cloud. This is triggered by hitting the quái dị with a Kinsect while gathering extracts, or marking targets.


How to lớn manage Kinsects và change elements

Head over lớn the Smithy, & under "Kinsect Management" you"ll be able khổng lồ select "Nurture Kinsect" which will mở cửa up a brand-new tree, not too dissimilar khổng lồ any other weapon"s tăng cấp tree, for you to kiểm tra out all the different Kinsect types.

Each Kinsect that you can nurture has several different ability strengths & Dust types that you want to look out for. Power, Speed, Heal and Dust Effect respectively.

The Power, Speed and Heal types all denote that particular Kinsect"s potency when extracting it from a monster. These max out at màn chơi 15. The different Dust Effect Types khổng lồ look out for are as follows:


For the best results when faced against monsters, you"re going lớn want to be upgrading multiple Kinsects at once in order to lớn be able lớn tailor yourself khổng lồ any scenario.


How lớn change Kinsect elements

Now that you"re able khổng lồ upgrade & nurture your Kinsect to become more powerful, you can also imbue the Kinsect with Elemental Damage, the range of Elemental types is as follows.


Ladytarge is just the particular Kinsect I have equipped, with its own nâng cấp tree explained through the "Nurture Kinsect" Section.


Depending on how far you are in the game, you might not be able to unlock some of these damage types just yet, these are locked behind Hunter Ranks and new maps, much like the standard Weapon upgrade Tree.

Our recommendation for the best Insect Glaive build in boss Hunter World

While there is no one true Insect Glaive Build, we"ve honed in on a great Insect Glaive build designed lớn keep you fast on your feet, while also dishing out devastating damage through exploiting some innate armour skills.

Our best Insect Glaive recommendation

The Insect Glaive you want to lớn shoot for is named Catastrophe"s Light, with the highest single raw damaging Insect Glaive in the game, and comes with a high Elderseal stat.


Catastrophe"s Light is forged from the Ore Tree, forking off into the Nergigante Tree và is the final upgrade. To lớn forge Catastrophe"s Light, you need the following:

Xeno"Jiva Horn x2Nergigante Horn x5Nergigante Talon x5Nergigante Gem x1

Our best Kinsect recommendation

We"re now going lớn want to lớn pair an ideal Kinsect with it. We"d recommend getting the Pseudocath III, which is derived from the Culldrone III, into the Windchopper I-III, & finally into Pseudocath I-III, which builds up potent Blast Damage from its Dust, as well as having some incredible tốc độ boosts.


It"s final form, the Pseudocath III can be forged using the following:

Elder rồng Bone x2Monster Hardbone x3Firecell Stone x1

Now, we"re going to want to lớn forge some armour khổng lồ go with it. Remember how we mentioned that we wanted to exploit some armour skills? Well. We"re going lớn want khổng lồ farm a lot of High-Rank Odogaron.

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