

Dueling your way to lớn the đứng đầu of the Duel Academy in the new Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy đoạn phim game for the Gameboy Advance takes skill, study, luck, practice and... Aw heck, here"s a bunch of trò chơi cheats that"ll let you clobber your opponents! These come straight from Cheat Street and they"ll let you unlock so many power ups your opponents will cry. Here they are!

Bạn đang xem: Yu

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy

Password Machine card Passwords

Enter these codes into the Password Machine at the store on Saturdays khổng lồ unlock these powerful cards for your deck.

Xem thêm: Chuông Gió Ruy Băng Handmade Hàng Tuyển Giá, Cách Gấp Dây Ruy Băng(Làm Chuông Gió_Mẫu 1)

PasswordUnlocked Card
00295517A Legendary Ocean
57953380Card of Safe Return
46986414Dark Magician
00423705Gearfried the Iron Knight
57046845Gearfried the Swordmaster
90810762Raging Flame Sprite
75417459Release Resraint
38992735Wave-Motion Cannon


Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy Gameshark Codes

These Gameshark cheat codes unlock tons of power nguồn for your Yu-Gi-Oh! game! From 50,000 Duel Points to summoning as many creatures as you want in a turn, these codes let you bởi it. But, you have lớn start with this code before any others will work.9388FFE64AA2F0C010F7EFF9A6E871436789Now, try out the rest of these cheat codes and you"ll be the King of Games in no time!


To Unlock ThisUse This Code
All the Cards1BDF78E58508CFCF44759276CA097C143F53
50,000 Duel PointsB99F58A51A36738B41979AD1
Coin Toss = HeadsC7AF7F1907DB
Infinite Duel PointsB99F58A51A362E78FE2A7000C3E2C3FCBFFA
Unlock all shop Packs23B62659D013F1EC53CF4B8D
Max. Cửa hàng Packs60C0A5512DD8C72D7F1C13D7
100 Wins68BB6F1DBF70
0 LossesFC6193F83751
Complete the Timed Duels9DE4A3CBC32EF1252BBC0BDC
Unlimited SummonsE861976E7F01
Infinite Life PointsF1A183FF86D8
Cause 5000 DamageDEE582FF3174
0 Direct DamageFDE183FD0758
Select + Up = Auto-Win9E9AC823A40AD7C191F757D3
Select + Down = Draw Card1F969803820FAA60A778AB3C
Ignore Deck Check30E08A893F80706303EC3D90
Unlock Summon Option:Choose Card, Select + A5E929811E45B40832D377996
Only One SacrificeC409C5067782
One Question TestD033328AFAE7AEC18D67634C
All Answers = BD033328AFAE7B22183BC2B9C
Pause chạy thử TimerD033328AFAE7D1730BEAC0EE


More Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy Gameshark Codes

These codes will help you kick butt while taking your skill-testing quizzes.


To Unlock ThisUse This Code
Max Damage DealtCB219F7C5673
Max Direct DamageDF219BFC5E73
Max Monsters Destroyed439F6D13CBFE
Max Spells Used9325A3BC8BFE
Max Traps Used8724872EC3AE
Max Fusions Used8727073803DE
Max Rituals Used9B0581A6CB2E
Max Summons Used9B0581B48B7E


That"s it for Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy clip game cheats và walkthroughs. But, stick around & see what cheats Gary can come up with for next week. He"ll get the 411 on all the coolest game codes! Don"t forget, if you get stuck and need a game cheat code, và let him know!