Tonight, when the long-running reality television show “America’s Next Top Model” cycle 21 hits the airways, there will be an Ardmore native sầu among mỏi the 14 contestants.

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Andrea “Shei” Phan, a 2008 graduate of Plainview High School, is one of the contestants on “America’s Next Top Model.” (Ardmoreite)

Plainview graduate Andrea “Shei” Phan secured a spot on the modeling competition hosted by well-known superMã Sản Phẩm Tyra Banks. As a fan of the show for years, the 23-year-old always envisioned herself participating in the phokhổng lồ shoots, living in the house, gaining feedbaông chồng from the panel of judges & hearing the shows’ hosts say her famous line, “you’re still in the running towards becoming America’s next top model.”

“I always thought ‘I could bởi that,” Phan remembers of watching past seasons. “I tried out once before, when I was 17. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it…this time around, when I got a gọi baông xã & was asked to lớn keep auditioning, I kept thinking ‘this isn’t happening right now. I can’t believe it.’ It was really exciting to lớn make it on the show.”

“America’s Next Top Model” first premiered in 2003. The show calls for young persons with a desire lớn become a professional Model to lớn compete for cash prizes and modeling contracts. During each episode, the contestants are challenged in various ways such as practicing a Mã Sản Phẩm skill, undergoing a professional phokhổng lồ shoot and challenges presented by Banks. At the over of each episode, a panel of judges đánh giá the contestants accomplishments and troubles for the week. The contestant who performed the weakest is eliminated.

In cycle 21, the second season to lớn feature both males và females, contestants are competing for a $100,000 cash prize from GUESS and a modeling contract with Next Model Management.

Phan, who is an artist with plans in place to begin her own clothing line, says she was drawn lớn the show because of her artistic background & a chance lớn discover being creative in front of the camera.

Fans of the show will see her as unique, Phan says.

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Phan’s lineage includes Vietnamese and Native American decent. Having been a fan & closely watched for many seasons, Phan entered the competition with a desire to lớn learn as much as she could from the judges and photographers. Listening closely & taking judges’ & photographers’ words of advice, is key lớn success on the longest-running show on The CW network, Phan says.

Win or lose, Phan says she feels blessed lớn have sầu the experience lớn work with a top superMã Sản Phẩm và get a glimpse inkhổng lồ the world of high fashion.

“For me, khổng lồ go on this show was an amazing experience,” Phan says. “I would never be able to vì chưng something lượt thích this in normal life. I felt lượt thích a kid in a candy store at every pholớn shoot and every challenge.”Read the full article by Laura Eastes from Ardmoreite.