Oxford wordpower dictionary, 4th


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Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th Edition Pack

Updated with the latest vocabulary and NEW Oxford iWriter on CD-ROM, the new edition of Wordpower builds vocabulary fast & develops writing skills.

Updated with over 500 new words, phrases và meanings, Oxford Wordpower Dictionary is a corpus-based dictionary that provides the tools intermediate learners need lớn build vocabulary & prepare for exams. Oxford 3000™ keyword entries show the most important words to lớn know in English. This edition includes new Topic Notes, Exam Tips & Writing Tips, & a 16-page Oxford Writing Tutor.

Students can tìm kiếm the A-Z dictionary by word or topic on the CD-ROM, và use the exercises lớn practise for international exams.

NEW on the CD-ROM: Oxford iWriter for B1-B2 students lớn develop writing skills, và the iGuide, an interactive tutorial to lớn help students explore dictionary entries:

45,000+ words, phrases, and meanings, including over 500 NEW words

Oxford 3000™ keyword entries show students the most important words to lớn know in English

Shortcuts take students quickly to lớn the meaning they want in long entries

NEW Topic Notes give the language và information lớn help students talk confidently about topics such as podcasts, smartphones, social networking, etc.

NEW Exam Tips offer practical help with exam preparatio

′Other Words for′ notes give synonyms to lớn extend và bring variety to students′ language

16 pages of colour illustrations show words in topic groups

Two NEW tools for developing writing skills at intermediate (B1-B2) level: Oxford iWriter on CD-ROM và 16-page Oxford Writing Tutor section

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