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I want lớn build my confidence and be more assertive I want lớn choose my next step I want to develop my mindset & skills for work I want khổng lồ gain experience và build my network I want to get khổng lồ grips with money & fraud I want to lớn use my online presence khổng lồ get ahead I want to lớn prepare for an interview I want lớn succeed in the workplace I want help applying for jobs I want an insight into how the world of work is changing I want virtual work experience I want khổng lồ develop my enterprise and business skills



5 ways to lớn find out what your strengths are
One of the best ways to help you decide what kinds of jobs might suit you is khổng lồ ask yourself, và those around you, some questions related khổng lồ who you are, your strengths và interests. Also think about what jobs are in demand & expected khổng lồ continue growing. Sound good? Here are 5 tips khổng lồ get you started:

1. Ask around

A great way khổng lồ find out more about yourself is lớn ask people you like, trust and respect what they think you’re best at. Why not make a list of people you can ask about the kinds of jobs they think might suit your strengths and personality, and why? They could be members of your family, a teacher or lecturer or somebody else you’re close to. If you’re not sure how or what to ask about, here are some ideas lớn get you started.

2. Discover your personalityCheck out the module, ‘Discover your personality’ for tips on how to lớn get a better understanding of what makes you tick. Thinking about your personality is a great way to start identifying the kind of jobs which could be a good match.3. Write down what you doOver the course of a week, think about the 5 things you most enjoy doing và write them down. Challenge yourself to lớn really think about why it is you like them. For example: I have a blog that I update regularly with opinions, short stories và other bits and pieces I find around the web. I set aside time in the week khổng lồ write & find stuff to publish, then I schedule posts on social truyền thông that links to my site. In this instance, it’s clear that this person likes being organised, staying up to lớn date with popular culture, & works well alone. Thinking about the kinds of activities you enjoy, or naturally find yourself doing, is a great way to help identify your strengths và skills. 4. Look for patternsOnce you have answers from a few different places, highlight any areas that come up frequently, or character traits that lots of people have identified. Try asking yourself the same questions và compare the answers lớn see if you agree. The skills which come up most frequently will most likely be your strongest. Now you can use the Wheel of Strengths to match these up with potential careers.


5. Keep an open mindSome of the answers & results you get might be surprising, or highlight aspects of your personality that you hadn’t considered. Don’t dismiss these. The idea is lớn get a better picture of yourself, and that includes the image you present to other people, as well as what you’re good at và things that you could improve. These unexpected qualities might lend themselves to an area of work that you had never considered before. Look at the required skills section on some job adverts and compare which ones you have. You will always be growing your skills so don’t worry if you don’t get complete matches. For more tips and guidance on developing your skills, kiểm tra out the modules here.